We have EXTRA yearbooks! Get yours before they are gone! $45 (make checks payable to Bakersfield R-IV) Stop by the school, or send the money with your child to bring to Mrs. Scott in the library.
over 3 years ago, Amy Scott
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We have EXTRA yearbooks! Get yours before they are gone! $45 (make checks payable to Bakersfield R-IV) Stop by the school, or send the money with your child to bring to Mrs. Scott in the library.
over 3 years ago, Amy Scott
We have EXTRA yearbooks! Get yours before they are gone! $45 (make checks payable to Bakersfield R-IV) Stop by the school, or send the money with your child to bring to Mrs. Scott in the library.
over 3 years ago, Amy Scott
SCCC Reminder: No School Monday, September 6, 2021
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Trudy Summers
Cross Country updated practice schedule:
over 3 years ago, Coach Sewell
Only two days left to purchase your very one Bakersfield-brand clothing! https://fancloth.shop/S1HJS Our line contains shirts, hoodies, beanies, and even masks for your everyday needs. Be sure to get your very own Bakersfield-brand merch while supplies last and support Bakersfield Cross Country!
over 3 years ago, Coach Sewell
School Picture Day is Friday, September 10 Order forms will be going out this week and need to be returned before or by Sept. 10. Pictures will be taken in the FEMA building. Show us that Lion Nation smile!
over 3 years ago, Mr. Helmke
SCCC students reminder: Bus will be pulling out from the high school parking lot at 8:15 am sharp. The bus will make 2 stops: one at South Fork gas station and the other in the parking lot behind Murphy’s Gas Station in West Plains.
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Trudy Summers
Have YOU ever wanted to get your own Bakersfield-brand clothing? Well now you can with our brand-new lineup: https://fancloth.shop/S1HJS Our line contains shirts, hoodies, beanies, and even masks for your everyday needs. Be sure to get your very own Bakersfield-brand merch while supplies last and support Bakersfield Cross Country! Time is limited! Get yours today!
over 3 years ago, Coach Sewell
Many of you may have noticed at the end of the day, during car rider loading and bus loading, an Air Evac helicopter landed on the playground and an ambulance was nearby. A student had an accident during recess. School personnel and emergency responders took care of the student. The rest of the students were instructed to stay indoors, but there was never a lock down and no one was in any danger. Thank you for all the cooperation during loading delays.
over 3 years ago, Dr. Amy Padgett
FFA Alumni, Mark your Calendars for September 10th at 6:00pm in the ag building! Bakersfield FFA is looking forward to a great year with many events scheduled as we transition into the post-covid era of Ag Education, but we need your support. If you are interested in being apart of, or know someone who is, please share this meeting date and attend. See you there!
over 3 years ago, Jordan Grigg
Attention MS/HS Students: High School students will enter the building by the gym entrance. Breakfast will be before school in the old computer lab starting at 7:30. All Middle school students will go straight to the cafeteria for breakfast. A teacher will escort those students up the hill at 7:50 Students--bring a clear water bottle to fill up at the water fill stations. We look forward to a great year here in the LION NATION!!
over 3 years ago, Doyne Byrd
Tomorrow, Tuesday, August 24, is the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!! We are excited to see all of the students return! Masks are not required, but welcome. Safety protocols will be in place upon entry including hand sanitizer and a variety of layered measures. We look forward to a year full of learning!
over 3 years ago, Dr. Amy Padgett
South Central Career Center (SCCC) students will not be going to SCCC until Wednesday morning. All students will need to report to Bakerfield school by 7:50 am Tuesday, August 24.
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Trudy Summers
The Bakersfield MS and HS Fellowship of Christian Athletes would like to invite all school patrons and community members to a morning of prayer on Tuesday, August 24th at 7:00 A.M. We will be circling the flag poles and praying for our school, our community and our country as we began the new school year. Please share at your church and invite your friends.
over 3 years ago, Doyne Byrd
No cross country practice at 7pm tonight 8/17/21
over 3 years ago, Coach Sewell
Elementary & Middle School Drop Off, Elementary Parent Pick Up https://youtu.be/F6CTL26K-yE High School Drop Off & MS/HS Pick Up https://youtu.be/Q16rk8Bgo6w Elementary Car Rider Line - Lower Elementary https://youtu.be/QMCnGXVLFHM
over 3 years ago, Stephanie Guffey
Open House on Thursday, August 19th from 5:30-7:30 for new students only, kindergarten, and 6th grade. Returning elementary students may bring their classroom supplies from 3:00-7:30 but parents will not be allowed in the building due to the resurgence of COVID-19. Returning MS/HS students will receive their schedules on the first day of school from their GAP teacher.
over 3 years ago, Doyne Byrd
Cross Country practice will take place tomorrow, August 13th, at either 7am and 7pm for anyone interested (the athlete can choose which time they want to run at). Sorry for the late notice on this due to the unforeseen circumstances. This is considered an official practice. We will also have practice next week at either 7am or 7pm. We will meet at the park. I hope to see you there!
over 3 years ago, Coach Sewell
New student registration is going on this week Tuesday-Thursday from 9 to 3 each day. Any student new to the district is invited to stop by the elementary or high school building office to register.
over 3 years ago, Dr. Amy Padgett