More Pictures from Career Day
1 day ago, Mrs. Trudy Summers
Thank you to all our professionals who came today for our Career Day. You made it a success. Fred Spencer- Real Estate, Stefany Belz-Price and Mr. Johnson- Howell-Oregon Electric/lineman, Andrea Turner- Cosmetology, Ashley Cotter-Dental Hygienist, Jim Brown- Jim Brown HVAC, Jason Barnes-Engineering, Kim Roberts- Social Worker, Mr. Hensley- Electrician Union from Springfield, MJ Stevens & Kelly Marsh- Community First Bank, Malisha Summers- Registered Nurse, Hunter Lashley- Radiology Technician, Justin Turner- Welding/Fencing, Justin Gailey-Wildlife Biologist, Tyler Trantham-Forestry, Sgt Roberts and Sgt Young-State Highway Patrol, and Kris Ledbetter- Mental Health Therapist
1 day ago, Mrs. Trudy Summers
📸Media Day for HS Softball will be on Monday, March 31. Coaches will send order forms and more information as soon as it is available to them. The group picture will be featured in our school yearbook.🥎
2 days ago, Amy Scott
📸We will be taking the following team pictures for the yearbook on Wednesday, March 26th. Order forms for parents for individual pictures will be given to coaches as soon as I receive them. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR PLAYERS HAVE THEIR UNIFORMS!!! Elementary Girls Basketball Elementary Boys Basketball MS Track MS Volleyball MS Softball eSports (starting at 3:30 when VoTech gets back) HS Track HS Baseball We will have a separate day for MS Baseball and HS Boys /Girls Golf.
2 days ago, Amy Scott
The high school Interpersonal Relationships class has been doing a recent assignment about conflict resolution. They developed a skit, which they then videotaped with middle school students and did a presentation for the middle school. They also played some hilarious games of Telephone, to highlight the bad effects of gossiping.
2 days ago, Beth Pickle
Our FFA Chapter recently went to Republic, MO to compete in a Leadership Development Event. Here are the results: FFA Knowledge tied for 4th/20 Division II Public Speaking Khloe Simmons - 1st Place/11 Creed Speaking Shaniah Foster - 5th/28 Alyssa Gailey - 8th/28
3 days ago, Amy Scott
Come on out for Culture Night tomorrow, March 6th, from 5:00-6:30! There will be elementary basketball in the gym, an art show in the FEMA building, science fair projects in the gym foyer, and Spanish and FACS classes will have food and presentations in the gym hallway! Please come support our students and let them show off their hard work!
3 days ago, Beth Pickle
Congratulations to Bionca Colon and Jenna Winrod for collaborating on the Sheriff's Office Mural in the Ozark County Sheriff's Office! This mural features all five schools in Ozark County and their mascots! Pictured here are Ozark County Sheriff Cass Martin, Jenna Winrod, Bianca Colon and Mr. Helmke, art teacher.
4 days ago, Dr. Amy Padgett
Sheriff’s Office Mural
Attention parents of SENIORS----Mrs. Trudy Summers sent out several scholarship reminders yesterday! Please ask your seniors for details! Work Ethics scholarship, Cyber Security and a BIG LIST of others!!! Some could work for technical training! Have these kids look at this!
5 days ago, Dr. Amy Padgett
Reminder: Spring Picture order forms are due on Wednesday, March 5th! Elementary students, please turn them in to your teacher. MS/HS students, please turn them into the HS office or give to Mrs. Scott.
5 days ago, Amy Scott
Due to illness and snow, the Foods class just finished their Valentine's competition this week. There were some very good entries and it was so much fun!
6 days ago, Beth Pickle
c t
Bakersfield School would like to thank all the Fire Department members from Bakersfield and all surrounding communities, first responders, and community members for the dedicated work on the fire Friday. To everyone who helped fight the fire and bring water and food, helped get kids home safely in affected areas-----THANK YOU! We live in a wonderful community and we are so blessed!
6 days ago, Dr. Amy Padgett
Bakersfield WILL BE in session Monday, March 3! We look forward to seeing you then!
7 days ago, Dr. Amy Padgett
Due to the fire south of Bakersfield, we will NOT run a bus down 101 South. All students who live on 101 South will be housed in the FEMA building after school until parents are contacted and either picked up by parents or taken home by school personnel. ALL OTHER BUS ROUTES are unaffected and school will dismiss at regular time.
8 days ago, Dr. Amy Padgett
The Laundry Soap Fundraiser is happening once again! Students will begin accepting orders on March 3rd, and orders are due on March 21st. Thank you for supporting our school!
8 days ago, Christina Hodgson
Laundry Soap Fundraiser Options
Order Form
Senior Parents and Guardians: Thursday, February 27. Missouri State University-West Plains is hosting a Career Fair. The Career Fair will have several employers from a variety of local industries including education, manufacturing, healthcare, banking, retail, food services, hospitality, agriculture, law enforcement, and more. We will be taking all interested seniors and will be leaving school around 9:30 and returning around 1:00 pm. If you student DOES NOT want to attend, please sign the permission slip or send a note and return it tomorrow.
10 days ago, Mrs. Trudy Summers
Immunization reminder: All students who will be in the 8th grade and Seniors in the 2025-2026 school year will require immunizations before school starts in August.8th graders will have to have the Tdap and the first meningococcal vaccine. Seniors will have to have the second meningococcal vaccine. All incoming pre-school and kindergarten students will have to be up to date on all immunizations. Please remember that your student will not be allowed to start school in August, or participate in any school activity after school starts until the immunizations are up to date. This includes sports practices. Ozark County Health Department: 417-679-3334 Howell County Health Department: 417-256-7078 Thank you
10 days ago, Melissa Hayes
Friendly reminders for the Class of 2028--- The My Missouri (MyMO) Scholarship Promise Class of 2028 application is open for current high school freshman until March 1, 2025. They have recently seen an increase in applications. Not all freshmen will be eligible for this program. They are trying to help students who may not typically be able to attend college, and the family will have to display exceptional financial need when completing the Federal Student Aid Estimator (SAI of 7,395 or less). In addition to the estimator, they will need a 2.5+ GPA, 90+% attendance, and proof of opening a MOST 529 account with at least a $1 deposit. Once the application closes on March 1, they will review all applications and make selections to find the best-suited candidates. Encourage your students to apply no later than March 1!
10 days ago, Mrs. Trudy Summers
FINAL...Lady Lions 45 Hartville 43 #AllGritNoQuit #DistrictSemifinalsBound
11 days ago, Coach Michael Mahan
FINAL Lady Lions 45 Hartville 43