Senior Graduation will be Friday, May 12 at 7 PM in the Jerry Taylor Gymnasium.
8th Grade Promotion will be Thursday, May 18 at 7 PM in the Jerry Taylor Gymnasium.
The Book Fair will begin on Monday, February 20! The library will be open from 10am-2pm on Monday and after school until 7pm on Thursday. Stop by, see what we have, and buy some books! Students will also be coming to the library with their class during the week.
Our online companion fair runs through February 24, if you'd rather shop online.
NOTICE OF CHANGE. There will be NO half JV boys game tonight. Senior Girls recognition will start at 5:30 then V girls and V boys. GO LIONS!!
Come out tonight for Senior Night for basketball and the last home game of the season as we take on the Kosh Blue Jays! Help us support the Lions and our Senior Basketball Lady Lions! Junior Varsity Boys start at 5, followed by Senior Girls Basketball Recognition, Varsity Girls and then Varsity Boys. It will be a great night in Lion Nation!
Bakersfield Homecoming shirts were delivered today. We apologize for the delay. The company tried their best, but with 2 weeks of snow and ice, we understand. We do have one order that had no name or home room teacher on it. If you are missing your order please let us know what all you ordered or the dollar amount so we can get it to you! Thank you!
We do have extra adult mediums, adult larges, and adult XLs for sale! First come first serve. $20!
Picture day tomorrow, Thursday, February 16!! We will be taking the following pictures: Spring Pictures, Senior Composite Retakes, FBLA Retake, HS & MS Honor Society, and HS Girls & Boys Basketball. Basketball players, please bring your order forms! 📸
Come out and support your Lions against Couch as we celebrate Homecoming in Lion Nation tonight at the Jerry Taylor Gymnasium! Events begin at 5 with JV Boys. During Half-time of the JV Boys game, the elementary cheerleaders will perform. Coronation will be between the JV Boys and Varsity Boys. At the conclusion of the Boys Varsity game, we will recognize 38 former BHS Homecoming Queens! We conclude the night with Varsity Girls.
FREE popcorn for everyone is sponsored by Century Bank of the Ozarks! Proceeds go to the Junior Class.
Recap----Schedule of Events
5:00 JV Boys
Half-Time performance by elementary cheerleaders
Conclusion of JV Boys game- Homecoming Coronation
Conclusion of Varsity Boys--Recognition of former Homecoming Queens
Varsity Girls Game
Reminder from Nurse Hayes:
If you have a student that will be entering the 8th or 12th grade in the 2023-2024 school year, they are required to have immunizations. Please do not wait until the last minute to get these required immunizations. If you need more information please call your family Dr. or the local health department.
Two weeks until our BOOK FAIR begins!! When was your last immersive reading experience? Discover a sea of possibilities at our upcoming fair...starts Monday, February 20, in the school library! (Open from 10am-2pm) If you can't wait that long, head over to our online companion fair and order your books!
It's almost time for Spring pictures! 📸
On Thursday, February 16 we will be taking the following pictures: Spring Pictures, Senior Composite Retakes, FBLA Retake, HS & MS Honor Society, and HS Girls & Boys Basketball. Basketball players, please bring your order forms!
Boys & Girls Basketball Monday February 6th at the Jerry Taylor Gymnasium starting at 5:00 vs Summersville. Order of play and events: JV boys, V girls, St. Jude’s Auction, V boys. Go Lions!!
There will be no school Friday, February 3.
Homecoming week next week! The Homecoming assembly will start at 1:00 on Friday!
Dress up days for Homecoming:
Tuesday Country Vs. Country Club
Wednesday- Adam Sandler Day-dress as your favorite Adam Sandler character. (make sure that a judge can tell you are participating just by looking.
Thursday-Senior citizen
Friday-Blue and White day.
Josten's will be here next Tuesday, Feb. 7
at 9:00 AM for Class ring delivery for anyone who ordered one. Make sure and get online and have all fees taken care of.
No high school basketball practice on Thursday. Conditions are too bad.
FBLA Districts, that was scheduled for this Friday, have been rescheduled for Monday, February 13th. FBLA Districts will now be in Hartville, MO. The day's schedule will come at a later date.
Basketball games on 2-2 are canceled.
There will be no school Thursday, February 2.
There will be no school on Wednesday, February 1. This will be A M I day #4.
Boys basketball HOME on 1/31 has been canceled.