Don't miss the Bakersfield Fall Carnival Saturday, October 8, AT SCHOOL. Carnival games and activities will be at the Elementary Playground from 5-7 pm. A concession stand will be available. Pizza, drinks, desserts, chili and more will be available from the concession stand with the proceeds going to the senior class and the PTO will be selling chili/frito pie, etc.! Come and enjoy the games, food and fun!! Coronation will be at BHS Jerry Taylor Gymnasium at 7:00 pm. For parking and entry...... Enter at main elementary entrance, the Elementary entrance where teachers park (northwest elementary), OR High School Gym entrance behind the bus barn. We will have cones set up to control parking and allow better traffic flow to keep cars from lining up on the highway behind the bus barn. Please help us keep everyone safe! If the main elementary entrance is backed up, please go to the northwest elementary entrance or the gym entrance off O HWY. Thank you so much and we look forward to a GREAT time at Bakersfield Fall Carnival!!
over 2 years ago, Dr. Amy Padgett
All students who ride Mr. Grigg's bus and get on and off at the Caulfield Fire Station and Community building will be picked up and dropped off at the old Big Store/Slavings Fireworks/Tomato stand/Walnut Station at the corner of 101 and 160. This will begin in the morning Friday, September 30, and continue until the fire station construction is complete or until further notice.
over 2 years ago, Dr. Amy Padgett
Bakersfield Athletics on 9-29: Baseball at Alton starting at 4:30 with V followed by JV, Volleyball at Dora starting at 6:00 with JV followed by V, Middle School Basketball HOME vs Gainesville starting at 5:00 with B girls, B boys, A girls, A boys. GO LIONS!!
over 2 years ago, Coach Doug Lansdown
Baseball at Hartville on 9-22-22 is canceled because of wet field conditions. Volleyball HOME on 9-22-22 vs Gainesville with JV starting at 5:30 followed by V. Middle School basketball at Mansfield starting at 5 with boys B, girls A and boys A. Cross-Country running at Mtn. Home. GO LIONS!!!!!
over 2 years ago, Coach Doug Lansdown
Grandparents---SAVE THE DATE! Bakersfield Elementary Grandparent's Day will be Friday, October 21. Grandparents are invited to Pie and Play from 2:00-3:15. More details will come closer to the event, but plan to come and eat some pie with us and play with the kids!
over 2 years ago, Dr. Amy Padgett
Middle School Basketball Thursday and Friday Thursday, 9-22 @ Mansfield starting at 5 with the following order: boys B, girls A and boys A. Friday, 9-23 @ Seymour starting at 5 with the following order: half girls B, girls A, boys B and boys A.
over 2 years ago, Dr. Amy Padgett
Parents, PLEASE read this article about Fentanyl made to look like candy!
over 2 years ago, Dr. Amy Padgett
Volleyball at the Jerry Taylor Gymnasium on Tuesday September 20th starting with JV at 5:30 followed by V vs Mtn. Home Christian.
over 2 years ago, Coach Doug Lansdown
No SCCC on Monday, September 19,2022
over 2 years ago, Mrs. Trudy Summers
FCCLA officers recently attended officer training in Licking, Missouri. It was a fun and informative day. President Autumn Farel, Junior Advisor Jasmine Hall, Vice President Brooklynn Kaiser, Secretary Scarlet Bouchard, and Treasurer Jacob Watlington enjoyed the day, asking with their advisor, Mrs. Beth Pickle.
over 2 years ago, Beth Pickle
FCCLA officers
Students and parents, If you haven't done so yet, PLEASE get all of your beginning of the year paperwork returned by tomorrow! Students in middle and high school, who are participating in extra curricular activities, will be on the ineligible list until the consent for drug testing forms are returned. Don't forget the federal free meals program for everyone has ended. Please return those free and reduced lunch forms!
over 2 years ago, Dr. Amy Padgett
Tuesday September 13th Volleyball at Mansfield with JV starting at 5:30 followed by V. Also, junior high basketball at Gainesville with the following order: girls B, boys B, girls A, boys A. Start time 5:00.
over 2 years ago, Coach Doug Lansdown
NO baseball today, Sept. 8th at Pride Park. The opponent does not have enough players.
over 2 years ago, Coach Doug Lansdown
Picture day is Friday, September 9th! In addition to the individual pictures, we will be taking HS Volleyball, Cross Country, MS Basketball, & Senior Sports Banners.
over 2 years ago, Amy Scott
Baseball at Pride Park on 9-1 starting at 4:30 with Varsity followed by JV vs Gainesville. Volleyball on 9-1 @ Kosh starting at 5:30 with JV to follow. Baseball at Pride Park on 9-6 vs Seymour starting at 4:30 with Varsity and JV to follow. Volleyball also on 9-6 @ Thayer with JV at 5:30 and Varsity to follow. GO LIONS!!
over 2 years ago, Coach Doug Lansdown
Yearbooks are here!! They were distributed today to students and staff. Class of 2022, you can pick yours up in the HS office if they didn’t go home with a parent or sibling. We have a few EXTRAS! If you did not order last school year, you may come by the library or send a check for $45 with your student. Extra books are on a first come first serve basis.
over 2 years ago, Amy Scott
First Day excitement
over 2 years ago, Dr. Amy Padgett
Mr. Byrd
Dr. McMasters, Mrs. Marsha, Mrs. Combs, Ms. Tara
Eager 3rd graders, ready to learn!
Welcome Back!!!
over 2 years ago, Dr. Amy Padgett
Mr. Hollis welcoming the elementary students!
Mrs. Kris
Mrs. Keirsten, Ms. Linda, Mrs. Tami
Mr. Byrd and Mrs. Guffey welcome the middle and high school students!
School starts Tuesday!! Drop off and pick up are the same as last year. Please help us keep everyone safe and watch for buses and students!
over 2 years ago, Dr. Amy Padgett
Please stop for buses!
Tonight is Open House from 5:30-7:30 for ALL students!! Middle school and high school students may find the student's GAP teacher posted in the hallway near the high school office. GAP teachers will have schedules for middle school and high school students. Elementary students are welcome to go straight to their homeroom classroom. We look forward to seeing everyone this evening!
over 2 years ago, Dr. Amy Padgett