Middle and High School Honor Society students and parents, if you have not already joined or been added to our Remind group, please do so in one of the following ways:
a) text @honor-bhs to 81010
b) click this link: https://www.remind.com/join/honor-bhs
This lets us get announcements to all of our members at once to give information about out meetings, hours, and events!
*****Also, we had several members that wanted to purchase an Honor Society shirt this year, but have not yet turned in any money. We had planned to put the order in over Spring break, but will now have to push it back to the Wednesday we come back (March 22). If your student wanted a shirt, please have them bring $15 to school when we return from break!
We had a great time at the FCCLA Bingo/Chili supper last night! Thank you to all who came out and supported us!
Seniors and Parents of Seniors: It is time to get your senior portraits turned into the yearbook staff. Please see the attached requirements. If you choose not to send us your own professional portrait, we will use the senior composites that Hilburn Photography took. Please send a digital copy (NOT a screenshot) to Amy Scott or Dirk Helmke.
ascott@bakersfield.k12.mo.us or dhelmke@bakersfield.k12.mo.us
Culture Night was quite a success! Students and parents also enjoyed the Science Fair and Art Show!
Parents of 7th and 11th graders,
This is a reminder that all students who will be entering the 8th and 12th grade in the fall will have to have updated immunizations. Incoming 8th graders will need the Tdap and Meningococcal, and Seniors will need the second Meningococcal.
Ozark County Health Department 417-679-3334
Howell County Health Department 417-256-7078
Your student will not be allowed to start school in August until these required immunizations are up to date.
Thank you
Nurse Hayes
Mrs. Heather nominated Adalynn Plante to the Wall of Fame for Completing Several Above Level Assignments
Mrs. Lesley nominated Ella Finney to the Wall of Fame
for Reading Improvement..
Rock-a-thon is this Saturday! Come play games, watch a movie, or just hang out with others from our school community! Cost is $20 a person.
This event is only open to Bakersfield MIDDLE and HIGH SCHOOL students. Rock-a-thon helps us raise funds for the Rob Laxton Memorial Scholarship given out each year! Students can bring board or card games, as well, but they do need to be school appropriate, as this is a school function. If you have further questions, please reach out to Mr. Dillinger or Mrs. Dillinger. We hope to see you there!
Middle and High School Honor Society students who wanted a shirt need to bring their $15 for their shirt by the end of the day Friday, March 10. You may give your money to Mr. or Mrs. Dillinger.
March Newsletter
Mrs. Vicky nominated Annabelle Daugherty to the Wall of Fame for
Excellent Work Ethic in Reading!
Tuesday, March 28, we will be taking the following sports pictures: HS Boys Basketball group photo, Elementary Basketball, MS Track & Volleyball, and HS Baseball, Softball, Track, Golf, & eSports. Please bring your order forms!
Bakersfield R-IV School District has the following openings for the 2023-2024 School-Year:
Assistant Principal (Responsibilities have been amended and now include Athletic Director. See listing on moteachingjobs.com for extended job description.)
Special Education Teacher/Director
Elementary Teacher
Multiple Coaching opportunities (Girls Basketball, Softball and Volleyball)
Contact Dr. Amy Britt, Superintendent at abritt@bakersfield.k12.mo.us or call 417-284-7333.
Open until Filled. EOE
FCCLA Bingo and Chili Night
Friday, March 10
Admission $10.00
$25.00 for a family
(3 or more)
Chili, Drink, Dessert
plus three Bingo cards.
Extra cards 50 cents each
10 - 15 games
Prizes in each game
Grand Prize for Blackout Bingo
6:00 in school cafeteria
Free babysitting
Lost and found items. May be picked up in the elementary office.
Mrs. Moss nominated 3rd grader Brixtyn Lovins to the Wall of Fame
For helping his classmate's!
Mrs Pickle's cooking class celebrated Mardis Gras last week. We made jambalaya, baguettes with roasted garlic puree, jalapeno poppers, and a king cake.
Dr. McMasters nominated Tyson Jamison to the Wall of Fame
for leveling up in reading.
Dr.McMasters nominated Anthony Osterkamp to the Wall of Fame
for leveling up in reading.