2023 Volleyball Jamboree Hosted by Mansfield High School Important Information for Jamboree August 22, 2023. 1. Locker rooms will be available for each team. 2. Concessions will be available. 3. Admission will be $3 for Adults, $2 for Students 4. Following MSHSAA jamboree rules for 4 team format. 5. If time allows we will start games early, there will be a full warm-up before your first match, with an abbreviated 2-2-1 warmup following the first game. Schedule of Games Court 1 will be court closest to Locker Rooms Court 2 will be closest to Lobby Game 1: 5:30pm start Court 1: Mansfield vs Gainesville Court 2: Seymour vs Bakersfield Game 2 Court 1: Mansfield vs Bakersfield Court 2: Gainesville vs Seymour Game 3 Court 1: Mansfield vs Seymour Court 2: Bakersfield vs Gainesville
over 1 year ago, Dr. Amy Padgett
Yearbooks will be distributed on September 1. Once all preorders have been delivered, any extra copies we have will be available for sale on a first come first served basis. We will not take reservations via FB or email. They must be purchased in person. More info will be posted next week.
over 1 year ago, Amy Scott
Due to bus driver vacancy, we have had to absorb one of our routes. Drivers are contacting affected students. Please be early to your stops. The maximum impact to any route is 15 minutes. We ask for your patience as we work to safely and efficiently transport your children.
over 1 year ago, Dr. Amy Padgett
Don't forget to have ALL required immunizations before you can come to school this year!! We are partnering with Ozark County Health Department to ensure kids who have all required immunizations will be entered into a drawing for an Amazon gift card!! (Our nurse will have a list of students who are current and may be included in the drawing. )
over 1 year ago, Dr. Amy Padgett
Mark your calendars...we are having a BOOK FAIR!! 📚 Tuesday, September 5-Saturday, September 9 in the school library. Students will have the opportunity to visit the fair with their class that week. We will also be open to the community on Thursday, September 7, after school until 7pm, and on SATURDAY, September 9, from 10am-2pm!
over 1 year ago, Amy Scott
Book Fair
Cross Country Schedule
over 1 year ago, Stephanie Guffey
Middle school and High School Cross Country will have practice tomorrow, August 9th at 9:30 to 10:30 am. Please meet at the high school gym.
over 1 year ago, Stephanie Guffey
High school boys baseball will have practice tomorrow , Monday August 7th at 5 pm..
over 1 year ago, Stephanie Guffey
Attention: Parents and 6-12 grade girls who are interested in playing volleyball for Bakersfield... please go to this Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/1397117177791125/?ref=share and request to become a member. You will be added to a Messenger group and you will find all the information that you need. Here are the details for some important upcoming events. August 7th @9am -12 pm practice for grades 9-12 Team party for grades 6-12. Meet at the school at 3 pm. There's an RSVP FB post that has more details and a Sign-up Genius link to sign up for food assignments on our FB page. August 8-9, Paula Weidemann camp! Grades 6-12. $25/ player. There will be two sessions a day 10am-12pm and 1pm-3pm. Come at 9:30 am to make payment and help with set up etc. We are looking forward to a fun and successful season of volleyball. Go Lions!
over 1 year ago, Amy Scott
New student registration will be Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, August 8, 9, 10 from 9 AM-3 PM in the building office! We look forward to meeting new students!
over 1 year ago, Dr. Amy Padgett
Bakersfield Back To School List
over 1 year ago, Brian Hollis
Back To School List
BAKERSFIELD FFA ALUMNI MEETING JULY 17TH 6PM IN THE HS AG BUILDING Alumni Members/Parents and FFA Officers only please. No students. Dues are $5 dollars per alumni member Pizza provided Meeting agenda to follow soon. PLEASE RSVP BELOW TO ENSURE ENOUGH FOOD IS AVAILABLE: https://forms.gle/YFaf6sBTU3tr4c8M8 Event Address: 357 State HWY O, Bakersfield, MO 65609, HS AG Building Contact us at (417) 284-7333 ext. 340 or jgrigg@bakersfield.k12.mo.us President: Shasta Foster Secretary/Treasurer: Lynn Pearson
over 1 year ago, Jordan Grigg
FFA Alumni
Summer is a great time to take care of those required vaccinations! The Ozark County Health Department is taking appointments! Call today 417-679-3334. All students who get vaccinated before school starts will be entered into drawings for prizes!!!
over 1 year ago, Dr. Amy Padgett
Ozark County Health Department
First week of Summer School with the middle school was a blast!!! Homemade butter and strawberry jam, tie dye t-shirts, and a pool rainout that led to a movie day with s'mores cones!!!
over 1 year ago, Beth Pickle
The Bakersfield R-IV School District is accepting bids for the following items: Milk, juice -- goods must be produced and processed in the United States Propane--approximately 20,000 gallons annually Diesel--with winter additive November-February - approximately 10,000 gallons annually Contracted Bus Maintenance (call 417-284-7333 for list of specifications) Bids must be received by 3:00 PM, CST on Wednesday, June21, 2023. Bids may be mailed to Dr. Amy Padgett, PO Box 38, Bakersfield, MO 65609.
almost 2 years ago, Dr. Amy Padgett
For the last few weeks the faculty, staff, and students have been planning surprises for our four retirees, but particularly for this man here... our principal, Mr Doyne Byrd. So last week we strung up balloons with notes attached, written by every student and employee in our middle school and high school, and filled his office. It was a team effort and we worked hard, only to be caught red-handed by Mr Byrd upon his early return from a meeting! As usual, we can't pull the wool over his eyes! We will sure miss you, Mr Byrd!
almost 2 years ago, Beth Pickle
Mr Byrd
FFA Greenhouse Final Sale Saturday, May 27th from 9:00 am to Noon
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Trudy Summers
Athletic Banquet tonight at 6! High School student athletes and parents come celebrate our athletes and their accomplishments tonight!
almost 2 years ago, Doyne Byrd
Check out these two collaborative watercolor artworks created by Middle School. Left is boys...right is girls.
almost 2 years ago, Mr. Helmke
MS watercolor
All yearbook orders must be turned in by the last day of school, Tuesday, May 23rd. Guarantee yourself a yearbook by ordering now! Send in $40 with your child's name and grade to Mrs. Scott or Mr. Helmke. OR...order online at: https://jostensyearbooks.com/?REF=A04430000
almost 2 years ago, Amy Scott