the power pint for 10-09-2018 can be found at https://drive.google.com/file/d/15PnJDdu71A1oHCqwSVa2PmwUtYzPf4tz/view?usp=sharing

Students in 8th grade math went on a scavenger hunt to review square and cube roots!

All of Mrs. Burns reading class need 15 AR points by October 12. That’s next week!

Eighth grade will test this Friday on weather and climate. Be sure and study!

The power point for 10-04-2018 can be found at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tzt2oaHqaIH44RrY2ZO1-etW9jsBJciJ/view?usp=sharing

Psychology students conducting a taste/smell experiment.

1st Grade building their house out of toothpicks and gumdrops. The Big Bad Wolf is going to try and blow them down after Specials.

Spanish I, don't forget to study for the test tomorrow! Be prepared to be tested over listening and reading comprehension. Remember to review the 1-3 Notes for the written portion. Also, know the difference between an amigo and a conocido. Extra credit for info about Mexico's Independence Day!

Century Bank cooks for Bakersfield Staff!

8th Graders working on Poe’s “The Tell-Tale Heart”.

The power point for 10-02-2018 can be found athttps://drive.google.com/file/d/14XqQ4aJoq0J3nyEZ58VBZdpZ_ZxvxGU3/view?usp=sharing

The power point for 10-03-2018 can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11_EREiZdPnKSw1i67Fo4OM3SZjMgn_aI/view?usp=sharing

We appreciate our bus drivers!

Nautica, Kaylin, and Hannah won the Catapult Competition today!

MS @Gainesville

MS Lady Lions A at Gainesville

Middle school basketball at Gainesville tonight!

Fourth grade, don't forget to study for the math test tonight...test on Wednesday!

Kindergarteners are being inspired by Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel Ceiling!

Busy working on book reports!