September 14, 2021
Dear Parents,
Your child will be bringing home AMI (Alternative Methods of Instruction). These are assignments for future snow days. Please put these AMI assignments in a safe place at home in the event school is cancelled for bad weather.
The reason we are doing this is because the State of Missouri has changed school requirements for snow make-up days. We are now accountable for hours instead of days. Missouri allows schools to use AMI days to review content and count that as an instructional day. Because of the required hours, this is four days for Bakersfield.
There are four (4) days’ worth of assignments in these packets. Each day should be clearly labeled. The student will complete one assignment for each AMI snow/weather day. If your child brings the packets back completed, he/she will be counted as present. If the assignment is not completed, your child will be counted absent for the snow day.
We will announce it is an AMI day on the website, KY3, our app and push notifications such as all calls/mass text/emails. If it says No School AMI Day #1, students should complete the Day #1 material in their packets and bring those back completed the next school day.
Last year, we had AMI packets for COVID days. We are no longer doing packets for COVID school closures district-wide! This packet, consisting of four separate assignments per subject, is simply to review on a day when we would not be able to have school due to weather. These packets allow us to prepare for a review day instead of making the day up at the end of the year. Four AMI days are the maximum planned for Bakersfield R-IV School District for this year. If we use 4 AMI days, and THAT IS ALL, we will get out May 20 instead of May 27.
We could need more snow days than four. Four is all we are allowed by the State of Missouri to make up via AMI. If we have a lot of weather days, we will only have assignments for four of those days. Any remaining weather days will have to be made up per Missouri statute.
Dr. Amy Britt