Mobile Dental Clinic forms are available here!  Please print and send in with your child or email to


Dear Parent/Guardian:

 Missouri Ozarks Community Health will be visiting your school to provide onsite dental services through our mobile dental clinic. We will be visiting Bakersfield School November 17-20, 2020.

 The initial visit will consist of diagnostic and preventive services. These dental services include but are not limited to screenings, exam, x-rays, cleaning,  fluoride and sealants. If treatment beyond preventive services is recommended, a separate consent form will be sent home to review prior to any further treatment. This can include but is not limited to fillings, crowns, extractions, and space maintainers.  A referral to one of our main clinic sites or for specialty care may be required.

  If you currently do not have a dentist or are looking for a dental home for your child, we encourage you to sign up.  We accept Medicaid/MOHealthnet and private dental insurance. We also offer a sliding fee program for children without insurance, with services provided for all children regardless of the ability to pay.  If you would like your child to receive dental services, please fill out the attached patient information form and return it to school as soon as possible. Please make sure you complete all information, front and back, which includes a consent and agreement statement that must be filled out and signed by the parent/ guardian.





Sybil A. Fortner, D.D.S

Dental Director


 Ava (417)683-5739  504 W Broadway , Ava MO

Mansfield (417)924-8809  804 N Highway 5, Mansfield MO

Gainesville (417)679-2775  201 S Elm, Gainesville MO

Cabool (417)962-5422 904 Zimmerman, Cabool MO

Mt. Grove (417)926-1713 1604 C N  Main, Mt. Grove MO

Houston (417)967-0772 1340 Sam Houston Blvd., Houston MO


PATIENT INFORMATION and CONSENT FORM -- Click below for the form or fill out the information below and print

Missouri Ozarks Community Health will provide dental services at your child’s school during school hours.  Your child’s participation is voluntary. In order for your child to receive dental services you will need to complete this form and return it to the school. Please contact your school nurse or Missouri Ozarks Community Health if you have any questions.


 Patient’s Name:_________________________________________________________________________

 Name patient wishes to be called:__________________________________________________________

 Date of Birth:_______/______/__________  Patient’s age: ________________   Sex:   M  /  F

 Grade:_________   School patient


Parent/Legal Guardian Name:______________________________________________________________

Home address (mailing):___________________________________________________________________

City:_______________________________________  State: ________________  Zip:  _________________

Telephone numbers:  Home:________________________ Cell:_________________________________

Work:___________________________________  (Please circle best # to call during school hours)

Preferred Pharmacy:______________________________________________________________________

Medicaid/ MOHealthNet:                 YES ________              NO __________

ID  Number: ____________________________ 

Private dental insurance:   YES ________   NO __________

             Insurance Company name:______________________________ Ins. Phone:_____________________

             Name of Insured Adult:_________________________________ DOB of Insured:__________________

             Member/Policy #:________________________________ Group #:______________________________

No Insurance Coverage: _________                    

Is your child eligible for free/reduced school lunches?    YES ________   NO __________

Has your child seen a dentist before?  YES____ NO_____

Date of last dental visit:____________________

                   If yes, treatment received: _____________________________________________________________

Please check the reason(s) for seeking dental care for you child: 

            Routine checkup     _____          Appearance of teeth      ____                First visit           _____

            Swelling of face       _____        Toothache                     _____               Crowding of teeth _____

            Accident to the teeth ____         Bleeding around the teeth____               Other (specify) ___________________

DENTAL AND MEDICAL HISTORY OF YOUR CHILD:  (Please circle YES or NO where indicated)

Has the child had any unusual or unpleasant experiences in a dental

or  medical office?……………………………………………………………………………..        YES                 NO

Has the child ever had any injuries to the face, mouth or teeth?..............................................     YES                 NO

Has the child ever had a toothache? ………………………………………………………………...         YES                 NO

Does the child have any oral habits such as thumb sucking?...................................................    YES                 NO

Is the child presently in good health?........................................................................................ YES                 NO

Is the child presently under the care of a physician?.................................................................   YES                 NO

Has the child been in a hospital or had surgery?....................................................................... YES                 NO

Is the child’s immunization record up to date?...........................................................................              YES                 NO




Does your child take any fluoride supplements?.........................................................................            YES                 NO

Is the child taking any medications at this time?...................................................................       ……      YES                 NO

                        If yes, please list:______________________________________________________________

Has the child had any unusual reaction or allergy to medication like

                        Penicillin, aspirin, or local anesthetics?.............................................................. YES                 NO

                        If yes, please explain: _____________________________________________

Does your child have a history of seasonal allergies?..................................................................           YES                 NO

Does your child have a latex allergy?...........................................................................................          YES                 NO

Does your child have any allergies not listed above? ____________________________                YES                 NO

Does the patient have a history of:

            Abnormal  bleeding…………      YES     NO       Cerebral Palsy………………….   YES     NO

            ADD/ADHD……………………    YES     NO       High blood pressure……………  YES     NO

            AIDS or HIV……………………    YES     NO       Kidney problems.……….……     YES     NO      

            Liver disease…………………      YES     NO        Convulsions (seizures)/Epilepsy            YES     NO

            Rheumatic fever………………     YES     NO       Autism      …………………         YES     NO

            Fainting/Dizziness………………. YES     NO       High fevers……………………     YES     NO

            Diabetes………………………      YES     NO       Tonsillitis……………………….    YES     NO

            Tuberculosis (TB)………………   YES     NO       Behavioral problems…………     YES     NO                   Anemia…………………………..   YES     NO       Hepatitis………………………….  YES     NO      

Nutritional problem……………… YES     NO       Vision problems………………….            YES     NO

            Speech problems………………  YES     NO      

            Hearing problems……………      YES     NO      

            Birth defects……………………   YES     NO      

Cancer or tumors……………………..YES    NO -----à If yes, please explain __________________________

            Congenital Heart Defect .…………...YES     NO ------àIf yes, does child require premedication?YES     NO

            Asthma…………………………………YES    NO ------àIf yes, when was last asthma attack?_______________

                                                                                                Do they require an inhaler?                YES      NO           

Any special problems not listed above?            __________________________________________________________________


I consent for my child to receive preventive dental services in Missouri Ozark Community Health’s mobile clinic.

Dental preventive services include but are not limited to screenings, exam, x-rays, cleaning, fluoride and sealants. If treatment beyond preventive services is recommended, a separate consent form will be sent home to review prior to any further treatment.

I hereby give consent to the Missouri Ozarks Community Health staff to perform those procedures and treatments, which are deemed necessary with the exception of :

Assignment of benefits: I understand that eligible services may be billed to Medicaid and/or private insurance. I hereby instruct and direct all proceeds of insurance to be paid to Missouri Ozarks Community Health to be paid by check for the dental benefits allowable, and otherwise payable to me, under my current insurance policy as payment toward the total charges for the professional service rendered.  I authorize MOCH to release or receive information on eligibility and/or benefit information for the purpose of filing insurance claims. I also understand that additional information may be needed from my file to achieve maximum benefits. I acknowledge receipt of the HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practice attached to this consent form. I understand that this consent may be revoked at any time upon my request.

This treatment consent will be in effect for the year August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021.    

Patient Name:__________________________________

Parent/Legal Guardian Signature:__________________________________________ Date________________________


Ava (417)683-5739  504 W Broadway , Ava MO

Mansfield (417)924-8809  804 N Highway 5, Mansfield MO

Gainesville (417)679-2775  201 S Elm, Gainesville MO

Cabool (417)962-5422 904 Zimmerman, Cabool MO

Mt. Grove (417)926-1713 1604 C N. Main, Mt. Grove MO

Houston (417)967-0772 1340 Sam Houston Blvd., Houston MO