If you watch tv, use the internet or listen to the radio, you have heard about the Coronavirus. While it is not in our area, we have taken steps to prevent ALL types of illnesses and to make our campus the safest place to learn.
Our custodial staff is aware of the potential for many contagious illnesses, especially at this time of year. Because of that awareness, we are increasing the intervals of sanitizing door knobs, water fountains, desks and other surfaces that people touch. In addition, we are reminding students about good hygiene and hand washing practices. Earlier in the year we added touch-less hand sanitizers in more areas of the building. These additions, coupled with the hand sanitizers already widely available, have resulted in more kids using them frequently.
This message is not intended to alarm or panic anyone. On the contrary, we have been receiving information and updates on the status of the Coronavirus. We feel good about the measures we have implemented so far and will continue to monitor the CDC and local health department information while working closely with them. IF this virus, or any contagious disease, expands and it appears our community will be impacted, please know we will be forthcoming with any and all information we have available, and will take all measures to keep our students, staff and community healthy!
In the meantime, for all matters of health, nothing is as pro-active as WASHING YOUR HANDS frequently and thoroughly.