Attached is the Final Lead Water Testing report by Bob Franklin at Get the Lead Out

Final Test Results

Upon receipt of initial testing reports the district installed lead reducing filters on the three outlets that showed elevated lead levels.  Flush sampling and remediation retests were conducted on May 16th.

The results for all three were ND or none detected, as shown on the lab report.

Summary of inventory and testing: 91 potential drinking sources identified

3-water main test points passed

19- fountains/bottle fillers passed, 1 out of service in the kindergarten room.

5-kitchen outlets passed

36-restroom outlets not tested per school request

18-classroom type faucets passed, 7 not tested per school request

4-ice machines passed

1-soda fountain not tested per school request

Health: If you have health concerns or desire more information about the effects of lead, please contact your county health department.


Ozark County Health Department      370 3rd St, Gainesville, MO 65655     (417) 679-3334


Additional information and resources on the health effects of lead contamination are available here:

A picture containing logo

Description automatically generated

Basic Information about Lead in Drinking Water | US EPA

Questions and answers about lead in drinking water -- health effects, EPA regulations etc.

Future Testing:

Beginning on the first day of school in 2024, 25% per year of remediated items are required to be retested to ensure a valid remediation is still effective. Since there are only 3 outlets, that will be one per year.

Beginning one the first day of school in 2028/29 a full retest for all outlets is to be conducted.

Attached is the Lead Water Testing report by Bob Franklin at Get the Lead Out. 

Lead Testing Initial Test Results

            We received the results from the first round of lead testing. In accordance with statute, these results are being communicated to parents and staff.

The Lab report shows each outlet listed by test point-The Flush plan shown below lists each failed item by location and shows the corresponding result.

Total test points sampled—49

  • Total samples with lead detected—14 (24.5%)

  • Total samples above the action level of 5 parts per billion (ppb)—3 (6.1%)

  • See Lab sheet for individual results; ND is none detected. No Sample=per school request

Immediate actions:

In accordance with guidance from the EPA, the affected faucets or outlets should have signage placed to indicate it is non-potable, not for drinking, or washing dishes. This signage can be temporary since testing is still in progress to localize the source of lead contaminants.


The Water main test points all tested good indicating that the quality of the water entering the buildings is below 5 parts per billion. As such, the EPA allows for the continued use of outlets deemed essential for operations e.g.: Kitchen and FACS rooms. This is accomplished through a daily-prior-to-use, 5-10 minute flush of each outlet that tested above 5 parts per billion.  Signage to that effect must be placed in close physical proximity and responsible person/s listed to ensure flushing occurs.

Next steps:


Follow up flush samples will be collected per EPA and DHSS testing guidelines. To be scheduled for February 2024.


Ozark County Health Department      370 3rd St, Gainesville, MO 65655     (417) 679-3334


Additional information and resources on the health effects of lead contamination are available here:

A picture containing logo  Description automatically generated

Basic Information about Lead in Drinking Water | US EPA

Questions and answers about lead in drinking water -- health effects, EPA regulations etc.

Lab report and flush sampling plan are available on the school website.

Testing criteria:

Each sample was tested for total lead content which includes dissolved and particulate. The elevated level is defined as a level of lead ≥ 5pbb. Sampling was conducted per EPA test guidelines by initial draw after stagnation (periods of non-use that exceed eight hours).  This manner of testing is the first step in localization and is paired with follow-up flush testing to further localize the source of any elevated levels. 

Explanation of results:

49 test samples were submitted for testing.  14 were returned with detectable levels.                                                                                    

3 initial draw samples tested ≥ 5pbb total lead. See the follow-up flush plan for required test points.

What this means:

-The initial sample test is used to determine if there is an appreciable amount of lead of more than 5ppb present in the outlet being tested.

-The lab report shows that 94 outlets (test point) have lead being leached into the water during the mandatory stagnation period.

-Follow-up flush samples will be conducted to determine the source of the contaminants. The flush test point plan lists the test point location for reference.


These are efforts to mitigate and correct the levels of lead to which children and staff are exposed: The remediation plan will be posted when follow-up flush testing results are received and fiduciary constraints as well as maintenance availability have been considered.


Follow-up Flush Plan for Bakersfield


Flush Point Test Plan:  Filters will be installed







Filters installed



 Filters Installed




 Filters Installed