- 4/18 Preschool/Kindergarten Screening
- 4//23-4/25 K-2nd Stanford testing
- 4/19 K-2nd Easter Parties @2:30
- 4/26 4th&5th incentive trip to Blanchard Springs
- 5/10 K-3rd grade incentive trip to Skate land.
The incentive trips are for those students who have shown a marked improvement on state and/or standardized testing over a period of time. Students who are illegible will be notified by their teacher.
- 4/30-5/9 3rd -5th MAP testing
- 5/3 Spring Concert
The 2018/2019 school year ends May 17th. We have 20 school days remaining. With state testing right around the corner, attendance is of the utmost importance. Please make every effort to have your child(ren) here while school is in session